Monday, November 6, 2017

Wheel of Time

"No-one is going to die," is a cliche that is oftentimes used to bring perspective to a mistake or failure.  A recent gaffe on a late-night comedy show brings home this point. Jennifer Lawrence, a famous actress, filled in for Jimmy Kimmel on his show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, on November 3, 2017. During the interview with Kim Kardashian, Jennifer realized that she did not know how to end the segment and transition to a break. She messed up on live TV and had to ask the producer for help in front of the audience! She fumbled, then pulled through, and the show went on. No-one died.
Exaggeration can be a useful tool to highlight an abstract idea. However, in many situations mistakes can be deadly; for example a doctor during surgery, or a soldier at war. When contemplating failures that carry graver consequences than making a fool of yourself, even this radical comparison would be to narrow in scope to provide perspective. George Washington, the "Father of our Country" experienced many catastrophic failures. These failures indirectly led to the great legacy he eventually built. Back when he led a regiment for the British army, it was Washington's failure to follow orders that led to the death of the French military commander, Joseph Coulon de Villiers, which instigated the Seven Year War between Britain and France (1756-1763). Although the crown was victorious, the debt incurred resulted in unfair taxation of the colonies; and taxation without representation was a key grievance cited as a cause for the declaration of independence, the Revolutionary War, and the representative democracy that emerged.
American pioneers were the quintessential risk takers and it is the same spirit and vision that drove them, that made the United States the success it has become. Success can only come from the willingness to take a risk, but every failure brings with it pain. Considering that we are rarely given the bird's eye view, it can be difficult to understand what lesson to learn and how to course correct for the future. In the book Tuck Everlasting, Winnie Foster contemplates whether to drink from the magical fountain and live forever. Her gravestone is described at the end of the book, so we know that ultimately, she chose not to drink the water. She realized that life is dynamic; eliminating risk would mean the wheel of time would stop turning for her. Each person has their space on the canvas, and a paintbrush with which to make their mark on the universe. Black or white, large or small, you alone can sign your signature.

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