Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Shake It Off - Losing Weight without a Burden

1. Incentive without food
2. Comfort without food
3. Exercise with fun and not a chore
4. Palate pleasure vs.  Deprivation

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Mommy Dreams - Spring into Appreciation take 3

Dear Readers,

This is an updated version of the previous post,  Spring into Appreciation.

Special thanks to my copy editor for the feedback on this poem. Extra kudos to a young Mom from southern US who sent me the background picture. Cooperation and collaboration creates magic!

It is every mom’s dream to be appreciated and acknowledged. Feel free to use this peace,  or any variation you create for a Mother's Day card or any appreciation card you gift to someone this spring.  May your all your lives be blessed with appreciation for the people in your life; and with the gifts of love and friendship.

With love from Shunam,


Falling Petals,
Hatching of Birds.
Breeze blowing Softly,
Whispering words.

Days growing longer,
Flowers bright and bloom.
Refreshing rain showers,
Wash away gloom.

Gifts of love and compassion,
Sincerity and smiles.
Collaborative power,
Will conquer mountain and miles. 

Here is an inspiring video by Dr. Mike in Tribute to his Mom. What an inspiring story of willingness to rise above circumstances and build a beautiful future. Amazing family!